Day Makers

What makes your day, specifically your workday?

News you have been waiting for?  A compliment from a customer or colleague?  A major project finally over the midpoint and flowing smoothly?

Those moments are the ones we savor and look forward to.  What can we do to multiply them or at least their effect?

Take time for creativity.  A creative interlude breaks up your day and makes all the moments-the "Yeah!" and the "Oh no" ones-come into perspective.

Here are my favorite ideas for incorporating creativity into your day.

Read or watch something funny.  I do not even need to mention the medical and psychological benefits.

Fresh Air
I am guilty of this. I stay inside working at my computer and periodically glance out the window, and there is the beautiful Day.  I have to force myself to get out and get a 3-D experience of the day - and when I do, I say, "Why don't I do this more often??"

Cherish Creativity
What gets your creative juices flowing?  Again, I am guilty of neglecting the few things that revitalize me and give me the boost I need, my favorite craft projects. I have excuses and they are pretty flimsy. Well I, and maybe many of us, need to work toward changing that because it is true that creativity breeds creativity, according to Shelley Carson, Ph.D, a Harvard researcher and author of Your Creative Brain: Seven Steps to Maximize Imagination, Productivity, and Innovation in Your Life. An article in PsychCentral noted that she "suggests filling your days with concerts, literary classics or other books, good food and art museums."*

Check out the article for lots of other good tips as well, and may you have many Day-Makers!

*Creativity Crushers and 8 Creativity-Harnessing Activities That Work. Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S.


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