Intentional (in-TEN-shun-ul)

My word for 2020:


definition: "done or made or performed with purpose and intent" (

I want to be intentional this year in my relationship with God, with everyone else, forgiveness, humility, my time, learning, and plans.

What I am doing (am doing, not going to do) to implement this is easy, believe it or not., so this will be a short read. Also, this is not a New Year's Resolution. Note-the method is simple, but maintaining the impetus to be intentional? Not so much. So, I am not trivializing it. I'm sure my method will evolve, but for now...

When I have any kind of negative response to any task, whether work, relational, or personal, I stop and ask myself, Are you being intentional? Or I just say Be intentional. 

It means I need to get up and do it-that workout, that email, that job. Or get on the phone and say it, or get my heart attitude right and handle my relationship moves with love, decisively. 

A short read, as promised!

#intentional #twentytwenty #Godfirst #stopnegativity #endprocrastination #productivity #purpose


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